Text-Animator: Controllable Visual Text Video Generation

Lin Liu1, Quande Liu2, Shengju Qian2,Yuan Zhou3, Wengang Zhou1, Houqiang Li1
Lingxi Xie4, Qi Tian4
1EEIS Department, University of Science and Technology of China; 
2 Tencent ;
3Nanyang Technical University;
4Huawei Tech

[Paper]      [Code] (Coming soon)     


Here are some results we shown in the teaser and experiment part of the paper.


Text-to-video (T2V) generation is a challenging yet pivotal task in various industries, such as gaming, e-commerce, and advertising. One significant unresolved aspect within T2V is the effective visualization of text within generated videos. Despite the progress achieved in T2V generation, current methods still cannot effectively visualize texts in videos directly, as they mainly focus on summarizing semantic scene information, understanding and depicting actions. While recent advances in text-to-image (T2I) visual text generation show promise, transitioning these techniques into the video domain faces problems, notably in preserving textual fidelity and motion coherence. In this paper, we propose an innovative approach termed Text-Animator for text to video visual text generation. Text-Animator contains text embedding injection module to precisely depict the structures of visual text in generated videos. Besides, we develop a camera control module and a text refinement module to improve the stability of generated visual text by controlling the camera movement as well as the motion of visualized text. Quantitative and qualitative experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our approach on the accuracy of generated visual text over state-of-the-art video generation methods.


Framework of Text-Animator. Given a pre-trained T2V 3D-UNet, the camera controlnet takes camera embedding as input and outputs camera representations; the text and position controlnet takes the combination feature as input and outputs position representations These features are then integrated into the 2D Conv layers and temporal attention layers of 3D-UNet at their respective scales.

Comparison Results

Qualitative comparison of Text-Animator and others on one example of the LAION-subset dataset. The prompt is ‘Two bags with the word ’CHRISTMAS’ designed on it’. Other methods cannot generate the correct word.











Different Speed Results

Under the same camera information, we can control video's movement speed by sampling the camera information of the interval frames.





Our project page is borrowed from DreamBooth.